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A Time of Spiritual Growth in the Ugandan Wilderness: Missionary Associate Jed Homan

A Time of Spiritual Growth in the Ugandan Wilderness: Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Some have likened Karamoja to the “Wild West” or referred to it as the “Ugandan Wilderness.” In this region there is a great need for the light of the Gospel to shine forth in the area’s culture and in the hearts of its people. Situated in the middle of it all is the OPC Karamoja Mission Station. The OPC Mission Station in Karamoja, Uganda has been in operation, ministering to the locals since 2000. As would be expected, living in a wilderness is not easy—not on missionaries and certainly not on the equipment and systems they depend on every day.

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OPC Short-Term Missions is Making A Comeback in 2022

OPC Short-Term Missions is Making A Comeback in 2022

No doubt you’ve noticed the near-depleted list of short-term mission opportunities the past two years due to COVID restrictions. But praise the Lord, things seem to be changing and we’re encouraged! According to the travel site, Kayak, as of November 24, 2021, the borders of five countries are now open, with no restrictions. 166 countries’ borders are open, with limited restrictions, and only 53 countries’ borders remain closed.Maybe you have been waiting in the wings for restrictions to lift in order to serve in an international short-term missions’ capacity. This may be just the time for you to jump into—or back into—short-term missions service.  Missionaries, serving near and far, have spent much of these past two years without the encouragement and blessing of regular visitors—vital for their health and the success of the mission.

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